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Asking price £510,000
Kent Gardens, Ealing, London, W13 - sold
Key Features & Description
  • Wonderful Garden Conversion Flat
  • Two Bedrooms
  • 60ft Private Rear Garden
  • Off Street Parking on Front Drive
  • 15ft Lounge
  • Share of Freehold
  • Vendors Sole Agent
  • No Onward Chain
  • EPC Rating D. Council Tax Rating D.
  • 696 Sq.Ft (64.4 Sq.M)

A wonderful ground floor two bedroom period conversion flat, with a landscaped 60ft private rear garden and off street parking on private front drive, The property benefits from a share in the freehold and is being sold with no onward chain. Kent Gardens is located moments from the shops and brasseries in Pitshanger Lane that serve as the centre of activity in this community. You won't have to wander far to enjoy a coffee or to pick up some essentials. The beautiful wide open spaces of Pitshanger Park are close by, providing places for Sunday afternoon strolls or picnics. This home falls in the catchment area for North Ealing Primary School and is also well-placed for prestigious private schools.

Jason Godfray - Gibbs Gillespie
Jason Godfray Branch Manager Email now 020 8998 3111
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Pitshanger Area Guide

If you are looking for an award-winning High Street and a great community atmosphere, then look no further than Pitshanger!

Pitshanger (sometimes referred to as Pitshanger Village) is a small but busy local suburb centred around the 50 or so shops in Pitshanger Lane. It is located about 1 mile north of Ealing Broadway.

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Data refers to prices and sales numbers achieved in the last 12 months (all residential property types).
House price change compares average prices achieved in the last 12 months with the previous 12 month period.
Sources: Dataloft, Land Registry, Dataloft Rental Market Analytics

Asking price £510,000
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